Tag Archives: hong kong

My Documentary will be on Film Festival

Here is the good news: the documentary Dai Pai Dong that I did with a team is selected for International Students’ Film Festival in Mumbai, India. 好消息:我此前和一个团队共同拍摄的纪录片《大排档》被选入即将在印度孟买开幕的国际学生电影节了。 And the bad news: I went to the place where the dai pai dong was located, hoping to celebrate, only to find out that it was gone. 以及坏消息:前几天去了拍摄的盛记大排档曾经所在的位置,希望去庆贺一下,结果发现,它已经消失了。 […]

纪录片:大排档 Dai Pai Dong

This is a documentary I made with an international team in Hong Kong. Dai Pai Dong is a traditional food culture of the modern city, which is diminishing in the recent decade. The documentary is all lively details you can or cannot see at a Dai Pai Dong located in Central, Hong Kong. Enjoy. 这是一部我和一个国际性的团队共同拍摄的关于香港大排档的纪录片(同组分别是日本人、丹麦人和台湾/加拿大混血,加上我这个会说粤语的大陆人,以及一个本地香港人外援,还有长期驻美的香港老师的指导)。大排档是香港这座现代城市的传统文化之一,然而在最近的十年中却已然开始消亡。这部纪录片拍摄了中环盛记大排档那些你看得到以及看不到的生动细节。请欣赏。

Sunday at Sam’s Home of Dessert

By Yolanda Ma Hong Kong – Sep.20 – There are always people who keep busy during weekends, including Mr. Choi and his brother, who run Sam’s Home of Dessert on Des Voeux Road West together. Sam’s Home of Dessert has a good reputation, which attracts regular customers. It serves various kinds of desserts. Servants would […]

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