Category Archives: 英文 English

My Information Flow – Acquisition

When there is just TOO MUCH information, how to get access to high-quality information becomes one critical factor for personal development. I have been experimenting all possible tools for information acquisition, management and sharing. I can’t say that I have found an ideal system – actually still far from it, but my complicated system would somehow reflect […]

Microfinance in China: Still Long Way to Go (Part I)

Jaquiline Novogratz‘s social enterprise is working fine in Africa. Her Acumen Fund, incorporated on April 1, 2001, currently manages more than $30 million in investments in South Asia and East Africa, all focused on delivering affordable healthcare, water, housing and energy to the poor. Novogratz believes that neither charity nor marketplace alone will solve the […]


杭州外国语学校是我的母校,在那里碰到的人、做过的事对于我之为今日之我有重要而特殊的意义。无论她将来如何易名、如何变迁,“杭外人”都是我的身份与骄傲。 在那里我从十二岁成长到十八岁。 在那里我第一次赢得运动场上的冠军。 在那里我第一次拿不及格的分数。 在那里我印刷了第一份自己编的杂志,创办了第一份自己做的报纸。 在那里我初恋。 在那里我遇到一辈子的朋友。 在那里我遇到志同道合的伙伴,你们如今天各一方。 I am proud to be an alumni of Hangzhou Foreign Language School.

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