Tag Archives: 台湾

台北的垃圾去了哪里 How Taipei Deals with Its Wastes

Today’s SCMP has a great story of how Hong Kong (shamefully) ends up as the most wasteful city in the world. It reminded me of my trip to Taipei two months ago – I was invited to study Taiwan’s developments on environmental protection, and an important part of my trip is to study how they deal with their waste. So I’ve seen how people dumping their house waste using expensive trash bags in the afternoon and how the recycling trash bins work on the street, and I’ve talked to government officials who is managing the policy, I’ve visited the stations where volunteers gather to process the recyclable materials, and I’ve even had a good lunch on the top of its incinerator which has a good view of Taipei City without bad smells. Below is a story based on my report after the trip – sorry it is in Chinese only.
